Sunday, November 23, 2014

Weekly Recap

It's not really a training recap anymore now, is it?

This week was definitely better than last week on the workout front.

I met most of my standing goals. This weekend it was too beautiful not to get out and move. Saturday I went out with the intention of running about 3 miles. We have our annual Turkey Trot on Thursday & I was honestly doubting my ability to finish. Say what? I know, I just finished a half marathon less than a Month ago surely I can do 3.1. I wasn't so sure. However I easily managed to hit 3  - and fast! - and stayed out until I could no longer run. It was a nice hour overall.

Well, except for my quads. My day 2 weights include a type of reverse lunge. I adapted it so that I was comfortably balanced, but I did 3 sets of 8-12 after 30 minutes on the bike Wednesday. Oh. Good.Grief. Thursday my legs were toast. Volleyball was an odyssey. I forgot how much weights just shred your muscles! The best part was that it felt GOOD. I love that CantMoveKillMeNowOhGodItHurts feeling that I only seem to get from lifting. By the end of 5 on Saturday my quads were pretty well trashed. I took my bike out today and came to pretty much the same conclusion.

Despite the quad soreness one thing is for sure: biking is FUN. I love it. I'm still not 100% comfortable, but I'm getting there. Today I just did the 6-ish mile bike loop near our house. Closed to traffic and newly paved so it's perfect for the less-than-comfortable.

Next week?

We leave for the in-laws on Tuesday. I'm super excited to get out of town and spend some time in the 'country'. Also, tomorrow is the start of the #HolidaySweatChallenge! You still have time to sign up so head over to RunToTheFinish to get registered. There are lots of great prizes on the line and it's a really good way to stay on track during the holidays!

How was your week?
Do you cycle? How long did it take you to feel super comfortable on the bike?

Happy Running!

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