Thursday, February 19, 2015

What I'm up to: Snowpocalypse edition

We are experiencing quite the little surge of winter down here. 

In case you forgot, I live in Kentucky. Ya know: 

Ellie does not approve of the 11" of snow and -15 wind chills. 

To be honest, I'm not crazy about it either. The weekend was filled with sloth and gluttony as my body tried to recoup from surgery last week and some residuals cold nonsense. I went for a run Sunday but the temperatures were starting to drop and I didn't last long. 
Monday the city shut down as the snow fell. We got about 12" in some parts over the course of a few hours. It was tense. We were on the NBC Nightly News for "southern city least capable of dealing with snowfall that they inevitably get every damn year". Something like that anyway. 

So Monday and Tuesday saw the end of my streak of healthiness. I ate like shit. I felt like shit. It has improved slightly. Today was my first day back at work this week. Being on a schedule is crucial. I am a boredom eater. Also, I found these: 

Say what?? They weren't my all time favorite (peanut butter is, in case you were wondering). But they were damn good. 

My bike has been my friend with the crazy weather and I've gotten in some good rides. I am sort of chalking this week up as a loss and hoping to just get through tomorrow before rebooting on Saturday. Here's hoping!

Happy running!!

Have you gotten any of this devil snow??
How do you deal with the winter weather?

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